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Acasis H027 OTG Micro USB 3 Ports HUB with Simultaneous Power Charging

SGD24.95 inc. TAX
SGD22.89 exc. TAX

3 USB Ports, OTG and Power Charging functions

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SKU: OTCH027BK Category:

Acasis H027 Mobile Tablet PC Charging Cable OTG Micro USB HUB 3Ports Simultaneous Charging Power Transmisson Cable


  • Small, lightweight and easy to carry. Just as the size of a pen shape, easy to carry, not the space. Micro USB interface, support hot-hot-plug pulled. Data transfer speeds of up to 480Mbps.
  • Supports OTG function and charge electricity. Compatibility, support for Android, win8, win7, Vista, XP, window 2000, ME, Linux and other operating systems.
  • The mobile tablet are applicable, support Micro USB port phones, tablet PCs have OTG function, only cell phones, television set-top boxes.
  • USB wide spacing.
  • Extraordinary material safety and environmental protection, environmental protection ABS shell with high-density material, non-toxic, environment, forming technology, durable.
  • Standard Micro USB OTG interface cable, Micro USB interface for all common mobile phone must also support OTG function.

Instructions for use:

  • Position 1: closed
  • Position 2: OTG + Charging
  • Position 3: OTG alone

Notes and Frequently Asked Questions:

  • If Position 2 OTG + charging off when charging is not applicable, please separate OTG applicable appropriated position 3;
  • After switching gear OTG interrupted again connected;
  • Some devices may not read OTG, plug or what equipment you can restart;
  • Some tablet may be because the original charger voltage is too low, encounter without charge, then do not pull down the line, in the case of power, the switch to the back several times, and finally stopped at the Position 2 switch normally, if not you can try several times. Or just change to a charger around 5.3V.

Special Note:

  • Before purchase, pls kindly check if your device supports Micro USB and OTG function, many models can support it, but if you are not sure of it, please google it, thanks.
  • Solutions if not work:The position of this cable must be struck to position 2 or 3 (If position2 is not ok, then please try position 3), after connect the electricity and turned on, need your tablet to shutdown.
  • Forced reboot (not just restarted) means keep pressing the power button till the tablet totally shutdown.Even the screen appears off choice or any other situations, do not care about it, just press the power button to turn OTG charging function. (if not completely shut down and you release the button,  the OTG function will be not able to open.)
Weight 0.2 kg

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